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Fall 2018 Update – Trailer, C4 Mold, and 501(c)(3) status

It’s been awhile since there was an update to share but we’ve not been idle since Nationals.  So here’s an update on several different topics —

  1. Nationals – Ed Goldthwaite and Drew Story raced in the Masters races, and a couple of the Senior team boat races, too.  Washington Canoe Club loaned us a C2 to race, and also put us in the C4s and some C2s.  The conditions in Oklahoma City were surprisingly good; not too hot and both Ed and Drew had solid races and a great time.
  2. 501(c)(3) Status – Drew has applied for non-profit status with the State of California. Unfortunately, to use our original name we’d have to get permission from the USOC.  It’s a legal issue that Bill Bragg was able to successfully fight for in the past but one we would likely lose today.  So… the Ventura Canoe & Kayak Club will be our official name.   We hope to have non-profit status established by year’s end.
  3. C4 Mold – Jim Ross and the Washington Canoe Club had the original Wenonah C4 mold from the 1990s.  While the model is somewhat dated, building a mold, especially of this size, would likely run us close to $10,000 in time and materials.  WCC got the mold to OKC this summer on their trailer with the intention of giving it to VCKC.  Chris Barlow helped get it to San Diego on the National Team trailer and Drew picked it up in early October.  Getting the 27′ long mold on top of an ’86 Toyota pickup required towing a trailer.  A friend of Drew’s supplied that, Chris donated a couple of K1s and paddles on the trip, too.MANY THANKS to ALL of the people that made THIS happen:

  4. New Trailer – Friends of Merv and Victoria Larson have donated a trailer to VCKC!  It is small, but with the right welding work, should be able to hold all of our current inventory of boats — two K2s, a C2, two C1s, and five K1s.  Details to come, but here’s a view of this excellent gift:

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