Other providers are encouraged to contact us to be listed here. The list below is by no means complete, but is intended to help visitors know what’s available as well as potential costs. A modern boat and paddle, if well cared for, will last for decades if not a lifetime of use. (Some of our club boats are over 30 years old.)
New Equipment
Boats –

Elio Canoes and Kayaks
Epic Kayaks
Havel Canoe & Kayaks
Hody Sport
Kape Boats
US Dealer — Nelo USA (located in Hood, Oregon)
Ocean Paddlesports – Surfskis and kayaks (located in Southern California)
Prestol Boats
Mississippi Kayaks – they also sell canoes.
Simon River Sports
Stellar Kayaks & Surfskis
Paddles –
Braca Sport
Epic Kayak Paddles
GPower Paddles
Jantex Paddles
Oceansport – Various paddle makers found here, including Carbonology, located in Costa Mesa
Peter Patasi Paddles
QuickBlade Paddles – in Huntington Beach, CA and friend to the club!
Other Equipment –
Sprint boat parts and gear from Nelo at Paddle-Lab.com
Number holders from the Rowing Store
PFDs (Life Jackets) –
Class III vests tend to be the most comfortable. Get a PFD you will wear! Adult club members may also choose an “airbelt” model.
NRS – Employee owned in Moscow, Idaho
Used Equipment
Our club lists items for sale from our inventory — often donations we are unable to use at this time — on our Club Equipment for Sale page.
Canadian resources, will require driving or shipping inquiries. Note that some US clubs race the Canada Day regatta and transportation might be arranged through them.