The club has continued to gain resources — but unfortunately, not paddlers. Interest in paddling by beginners during the cold winter months, coupled with a resurgence of the Covid pandemic likely explains things. We’re still trying to move forward despite the prevailing winds.
New Equipment

QuickBlade “Stinger”
The club has purchased four QuickBlade “Stinger” sprint canoe paddles, all of which are adjustable to accommodate athletes of many different sizes.
A big thanks to Jim Terrell for these great canoe paddles!
We’ve also been working on marketing materials for the Spring recruitment period. Posters and business card sized notes with a QR code that will take people to our “Join Us” page and information about the club in an easy to hand out format have been created. If the pandemic eases more, hopefully we can schedule some time to make presentations at our local middle schools and other locations.

We’ve also put together a couple of “stabilizing” devices that we hope to try soon. These “training wheels” will ideally allow beginners to give some of our more unstable boats a try and gain both some balance and confidence with their usage.
Update on Nationals & Team Trials
Information about the National Team Trials is shaping up. Trials will be at the Lake Natoma Aquatic Center in Sacramento, California, on April 15th and 16th. The selection criteria is still being determined and will hopefully be announced soon and provided on the American Canoe Association website.
The Sprint National Championships will be held the first week of August in Clermont, Ohio. More details to be announced in our Spring update.